Kerry Muir writes stage plays, screenplays, creative nonfiction, newspaper and magazine articles, and has curated two anthologies of dramatic literature for teens and children. Two of her essays, “The Bridge” and “BLUR” were named as notable in Best American Essays (2011, edited by Edwidge Danticat, and 2018, edited by Hilton Als, respectively). Her work has appeared in Kenyon Review Online, West Branch Wired, Crazyhorse, Fourth Genre, Riverteeth, Carve Magazine, New Plains Review, The Pinch, and elsewhere. Her plays have been published in bilingual Spanish-English editions by NoPassport Press, as well as by Limelight Editions and Autopscot Press. Related interests include photography, video editing and filmmaking. She hopes that, wherever you are, you’re having a lovely day.
Contact: Muirkerry@aol.com