Excited to share a teaser from AGENCY, a short film which I co-wrote and co-directed with the amazing Fab Nando in San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, Mx last July. MUSIC by legendary songstress @Reneemooi 🌟 STARRING the inimitably luminous @estelaaguilarluque and psychic powerhouse Fernando Favela @favelavisualartist (aka FabNando) Cinematography by the super-talented Ashley Fell @ hungrylens & location sound engineered by the sonically-gifted Xun Perez of @vaychiletikdocumental ...Production coordinator the ever-vigilant @AnnekaJose About to move into the post-production phase of the journey. Cast and crew from Mx, US and Spain, the script in both English and Spanish. More to come!
To be continued...