Creative Nonfiction in FRON//TERA

I worked here! bellows the actor to the walls of the corridor, to all of us, to no one at all, at once tragic and debonair, his Spanish defiant and impassioned, his elocution crisp, his cadences pitch-perfect. I gave my blood on the stage of this very theater! My sweat, my tears! ¡Soy actor! ¡Soy artista! Why should I be denied entrance just because I’m without money…? 


For more about Fron//tera, Un Revista Bilingue, please visit:

New creative nonfiction appearing in Fron//tera, in their upcoming border-themed issue. Fron//tera is an English-Spanish bilingual literary magazine out of Madrid, Spain.

New creative nonfiction appearing in Fron//tera, in their upcoming border-themed issue. Fron//tera is an English-Spanish bilingual literary magazine out of Madrid, Spain.